- Origins of Prejudice and Social Division Intergroup Relations
Political Psychology
- How We Know “Right” and “Wrong” Moral Psychology
Psychology and Law
- Mutuality of Mind and Culture Cultural Psychology
Communication and Culture
What’s New
Minoru Karasawa delivered an opening speech at an international conference in Vietnam
A new book, Legal Radicalism (in Japanese; Yuhikaku Publishing, Tokyo), has been published.
Members of our lab gave their presentations at the 15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology
Minoru Karasawa became the 15th President of the Asian Association of Social Psychology
Yanagida, Karasawa, & Murata (2022) received the Best Paper Award
About Us
In general terms, the members of our lab conduct research in a field known as social cognition.
Social cognition is a subfield of social psychology, which is concerned mainly with how people make sense of their social worlds - consisting of other people around them as well as the groups and communities to which they belong.
Research Gallery
Kasahara, Miura, & Karasawa (2024, Advance online publication)
Affective polarization in a multi-party society: The roles of moral conviction, Japanese Journal of Psychology.
Do we blame more a human driver or a driving robot? What is the underlying psychological mechanism?
Mu, Y., & Karasawa, M. (2024). Blame attribution and intentionality perception of human versus robot drivers: Implications for judgments about autonomous vehicles in moral dilemma contexts. Cogent Psychology, 11(1).
How Do We Know What Other People Think? The Answer Depends on Cultural Learning.
Wice, Karasawa, Matsui, & Miller (2020). Knowing minds: Culture and perceptions of mental state access. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 23, 319-327.
Matsuo, Sasahara, Taguchi, & Karasawa (2019)
Development and validation of the Japanese Moral Foundations Dictionary. PLOS ONE, 14(3): e0213343
Talk at TEDxNagoyaU
Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Social Divisiveness
(in Japanese)
Global Research Network

Collaborations with researchers in south-america
Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism
Kerry, N., Al-Shawaf, L., Barbato, M., Batres, C., Blake, K. R., Cha, Y., Chauvin, G. V., Clifton, J. D. W., Fernandez, A. M., Galbarczyk, A., Ghossainy, M. E., Jang, D., Jasienska, G., Karasawa, M., Laustsen, L., Loria, R., Luberti, F., Moran, J., Pavlovic´, Z., Petersen, M. B., Smith, A. R., Zˇezˇelj, I., & Murray, D. R. (2022). Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289 , 20220978. the clear psychological importance of parenthood and the motivation to provide care for children, researchers have only recently begun investigating their influence on social and political attitudes. Because socially conservative values ostensibly prioritize safety, stability, and family values, we hypothesized that being more invested in parental care might make socially conservative policies more appealing. -
Individual, group, and temporal perspectives on the link between wealth and realistic threat
Celikkol, G., Renvik, T. A., Sortheix, F. M., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Jetten, J., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L, Gollwitzer, M., Gómez, A. González, R., Hong, Y.-y., Jensen D. H., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Lima, M., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., Polya,T., Ruza, A., Shahrazad, W., Shama, S., Smith, H. J.,Torres, A. R., van der Bles, A. M., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2022). Individual, group, and temporal perspectives on the link between wealth and realistic threat. Current Research in Ecological & Social Psychology, 3. this 28-country study (N = 6112), we assessed how subjective perceptions and objective indicators of wealth were associated with majority group members’ perceptions of realistic threat related to immigration. -
Materialist and post-materialist concerns and the wish for a strong leader in 27 countries
Lima, M. E. O., de França, D. X., Jetten, J., Pereira, C. R., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Tomasz Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L., Gollwitzer, M., Ángel Gómez, Á, González, R., Hong, Y-y., Jensen, D. H., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Jasinskaja-Lathi, I., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., Polya, T., Renvik, T. A., Ruza, A., Shahrazad, W., Shama, S., Smith, H. J., Torres, A. R., van der Bles, A. M., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2021). Materialist and post-materialist concerns and the wish for a strong leader in 27 countries. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 9(1), 207-220. explore whether objective higher levels of democracy are differentially associated with materialist and post-materialist concerns and, in turn, whether this is related to the wish for a strong leader. -
Negative desires make failure to help more blameworthy: The role of wrongness and moral character evaluations
Hirozawa, P. Y., & Karasawa, M. (2020). Negative desires make failure to help more blameworthy: The role of wrongness and moral character evaluations.
Journal of Human Environmental Studies, 18(2), 119-126. DOI: 10.4189/shes.18.119 -
Measurement invariance of the moral vitalism scale across 28 cultural groups
Rudnev, M., Vauclair, C. M., Aminihajibashi, S., Becker, M., Bilewicz, M., Castellanos Guevara, J. L., Collier-Baker, E., Crespo, C., Eastwick, P., Fischer, R., Friese, M., Gomez, A., Guerra, V., Hanke, K., Hooper, N., Huang, L. L., Karasawa, M., Kuppens, P., Loughnan, S., Peker, M., Pelay, C., Pina, A., Sachkova, M., Saguy, T., Shi, J., Silfver-Kuhalampi, M., Sortheix, F., Swann, W., Tong, J., Yeung, L. W. V., & Bastian, B. (2020). Measurement invariance of the moral vitalism scale across 28 cultural groups.
PLoS ONE, 15(6): e0233989. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233989 -
Explaining illness with evil: Pathogen prevalence fosters moral vitalism.
Bastian, B., Vauclair, M., Loughnan, S., Bain, P., … Karasawa, M., et al. (2019). Explaining illness with evil: Pathogen prevalence fosters moral vitalism.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. -
“Our country needs a strong leader right now”: Economic inequality enhances the wish for a strong leader.
Sprong, S., Jetten, J., Wang, Z., Peters, K., Mols, F., Verkuyten, M., Bastian, B., … Karasawa, M., et al., (2019). “Our country needs a strong leader right now”: Economic inequality enhances the wish for a strong leader.
Psychological Science, 30, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/0956797619875472 -
Regaining in-group continuity in times of anxiety about the group’s future: A study on the role of collective nostalgia across 27 countries.
Smeeks, A., Jetten, J., Verkuyten, M., Wohl, M. J. A., Jasinskaya-Lahti, I., …, Karasawa, M. et al. (2018). Regaining in-group continuity in times of anxiety about the group’s future: A study on the role of collective nostalgia across 27 countries.
Social Psychology. (Published online, October 9). DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000350 -
Cultural values moderate the impact of relative deprivation.
Smith, H. J. , Ryan, D. A., Jaurique, A., Pettigrew, T. F., Jetten, J., …. Karasawa, M., et al. (2018). Cultural values moderate the impact of relative deprivation.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49, 1183-1218. DOI: 10.1177/0022022118784213 -
Revisiting the measurement of anomie.
Teymoori A, Jetten J, Bastian B, Ariyanto A, Autin F, Ayub N, et al. (2016) Revisiting the measurement of anomie.
PLOS ONE, 11(7): e0158370. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0158370