Nobuhiko GOTO, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Kyoto Notre Dame University
Research theme
I am currently interested in the effects of multiple group memberships on executive functioning, well-being, self-esteem, and academic performance. I have also done some research in intergroup relations. I have also worked on Neuromarketing and consumer research.
Research Interests
Social Cognition, Multiple Group Membership, Social Identity, Intergroup Relations, Neuromarketing, Consumer Research
Research Articles
- See my ResearchGate or Google Scholar page.
Awards and Grants
- 2019
- Most relevant papers for Neuromarketing Science and Business Association published in 2019 "Can brain waves really tell if a product will be purchased? Inferring consumer preferences from single-item brain potentials"
- 2017
- Most relevant papers for Neuromarketing Science and Business Association published in 2017 "Neural signals of selective attention are mod ulated by subjective preferences and buying decisions in a virtual shopping task"
- 2011
- Asian Journal of Social Psychology Best Paper in 2011 " Identification with a wrongful subgroup and the feeling of collective guilt"