Asami OHJI | 名古屋大学情報学研究科 心理学講座 唐沢研究室

Asami OHJI



Ph.D. Graduate School of Environmental Study, Nagoya University
Research Student. Graduate School of Environmental Study, Nagoya University
M.A. Graduate School of Public Policy, Kyoto Prefectural University
B.A. Department of Social Welfare, Kyoto Prefectural University

Research Interests

social norms [descriptive norms / injunctive norms], Construal Level Theory,organization responsibility


Research Articles

  • Master Thesis Ohji, A. (2011) The in- versus out-group status of descriptive norms and its effects on the perception and influence of descriptive norms.
  • Reviewed Articles Ohji, A. (2010) Effects of the receivers' prior attitudes on the impact of word-of-mouth information: a study of applicability of balance theory to word-of-mouth effects The Review of Welfare Society, 11, 115-128.
  • Graduation Thesis Ohji, A. (2009) Effects of the receiver’s prior attitudes on the impact of word-of-mouth information. - Examination of applicability of balance theory to word-of-mouth effects


  • Poster Presentations Ohji, A., Tsukamoto, S., & Karasawa, M. (2015) Judgments of “Organization Responsibility”: Psychological Essentialism and Mind-State Inference as Determinants of Blame. The 79th Annual Congress of the Japanese Psychological Association, Nagoya University, Japan : September 22-24.
  • Ohji, A. & Karasawa, M. (2014) The process of the facilitation of behavioral intention by providing descriptive normative information. The 78th Annual Congress of the Japanese Psychological Association, 1PM-1-010, Doshisya University, Japan : September 10.
  • Oral Presentations Ohji, A. (2013) The role of out-group descriptive norms in encouraging moral behaviors. In M. Karasawa & E. Kashima (Chairs), New directions in the study of morality 2: Theoretical integrations and empirical explorations. Symposium conducted at the 10th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: August 24.
  • Ohji, A. & Karasawa, M. (2013) The facilitation of behavioral intentions by estimating in-group descriptive norms, the 77th Annual Congress of the Japanese Psychological Association, 1EV-015, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan: September 19.
  • Ohji, A. & Karasawa, M. (2013) The relationship between social norms and construal level. The 54th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Social Psychology, 01-06 (p160), Okinawa International University, Japan: November 2.
  • Ohji, A., Ishida, M., & Karasawa, M. (2012). The effective approaches for behavioral facilitation in the situation where the descriptive and injunctive norms mismatch contradict. The 53th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Social Psychology, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Japan: November 18.
  • Ohji, A., & Ishida, M. (2012) The In- Versus Out-Group Status of Descriptive Norms and Its Effects on Behavioral Intentions. The 76th Annual Conference of Japanese Psychologiocal Association, Sensyu University, Japan: September 13.

Presentations at Meetings

Ohji, A. (2012) The effects of in- vs. out-group descriptive norms on behavioral intentions, Joint meeting of Kyoto/Kobe/Nagoya Universities. at Kyoto University: September 24.