Chihiro KIDA, Ph.D. | 名古屋大学情報学研究科 心理学講座 唐沢研究室

Chihiro KIDA, Ph.D.



Ph.D. Student, Department of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Japan
M.A., Psychology, Department of Human Behavioral Sciences, Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University, Japan
B.A., Psychology, Department of Human Behavioral Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University, Japan
A.A., International studies, Department of Liberal Arts, Aoyama Gakuin Women’s Junior College, Japan
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant, Nagoya University, School of Informatics, Experiment of Psychology and Cognitive Science 1
Teaching Assistant, Nagoya University, School of Informatics, Social Psychology Seminar
Student Assistant, Osaka City University, School of Liberal Arts, Gender and Modern Society
Research Experience
Technical Assistant, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Informatics
Research Assistant, International Economy & Work Research Institute, Osaka, Japan

Research Interests

  • Disability
  • Discrimination
  • Prejudice
  • Social Cognition
  • Stigma
  • Publications

    Research Articles

    • Theses
    • Determinant of Attitude toward People with Disabilities – Role of Distributive Justice Principles– (Master's thesis, in Japanese)
    • Effect of Social Dominance Orientation on Supportive Attitude toward People with Disabilities (graduation thesis, in Japanese)


    • Presentations at International Conferences
    • Kida, C., Park, G., Ishii, K., & Karasawa, M. (2021). Food-Based Identity, Consumer Attitudes, and Moral Judgments. The 22nd Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin (TX), USA, February, 2021 (Virtual Convention).
    • Kida, C., & Ikegami, T. (Accepted). When and why people decide to help people with disabilities: Role of distributive justice principles. The 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic, July. 2021.
    • Kida, C., Yada, N., & Ikegami, T. (2019). Why Are People Reluctant to Help People with Disabilities? The 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland (OR), USA, Feb. 2019 (Poster session).
    • Presentations at Domestic Conferences
    • Kida, C., & Ikegami, T. (2019). Determinant of Attitude toward People with Disabilities: Role of Distributive Justice Principles. The 60th Conference of The Japanese Society of Social Psychology, Rissyo University(Tokyo),November, 2019(Poster session)
    • Kida, C., Yada, N., & Ikegami, T. (2018). Effects of Social Dominance Orientation and Threat on Supportive Attitudes toward People with Physical Disabilities. The 59th Conference of The Japanese Society of Social Psychology, Otemon Gakuin University(Osaka), August, 2018(Poster session).
    • Kida, C., Yada, N., & Ikegami, T. (2017). Effects of Social Dominance Orientation and Stereotype on Supportive Attitudes toward People with Physical Disabilities. The 64th Conference of The Japanese Group Dynamics Association, The University of Tokyo(Tokyo), September, 2017(Poster session).

    Awards and Grants

    Academic Awards
    Society for Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Travel Award
    Society for Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Registration Award
    Valedictorian of Graduating Students in Osaka City University
    Award for the Best Master's Graduation Thesis, Osaka City University
    Fujio Suga Scholarship Program, Osaka City University
    Award for the Best Graduation Thesis, Osaka City University
    Research Grants
    Research Expense Grant for doctoral course students, Nagoya University
    Travel Grant for Overseas Conference Presentations, Osaka City University


    Affiliated academic societies

  • The Japanese Society of Social Psychology (JSSP)
  • Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
  • The Japanese Psychological Association (JPA)
  • The Japanese Group Dynamics Association (JGDA)
  • Japan Society of Personality Psychology (JSPP)
  • Committees and other services

    2019.09-2020.09 : Organizing Chair, the Young Psychologist Program (YPP2020), Japan Society of Personality Psychology

    Volunteer Experience

    Patients Association Representative(2017.11-)

    • Established JPAC (Japan Patient Advocacy Coalition).
    • Management of JPAC, lecture from social psychological perspective for medical doctors.

