Impact of moral conviction on social networking: Roles of seeking cognitive consistency and shared reality in opinion homophily
Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M. (in press). Impact of moral conviction on social networking: Roles of seeking cognitive consistency and shared reality in opinion homophily. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, TBD, TBD.What you eat reveals who you are: Food identity and its value implications in consumer behavior.
Karasawa, M., Sasahara, K., & Ryu, H-C. (2025). What you eat reveals who you are: Food identity and its value implications in consumer behavior. Quarterly Journal of Marketing, 45(1), 5-13. https://doi.org/10.7222/marketing.2025.007A scale was constructed to to measure the strength of food identity (FI) among Japanese individuals. A factor analysis revealed two components of FI: health-oriented identity and amusement-oriented identity. The former component was found to connote liberal-leaning values, whereas the latter component was interpreted as a reactionary tendency against the "do-gooder" character of the former.多党制社会における感情的分極化の発生――道徳的確信の役割に着目して――
柳田航・唐沢穣・村田光二(2022). 障害者の「有能さ」と「温かさ」に関するステレオタイプ:顕在指標と潜在指標を用いた実験的検証 人間環境学研究, 20(2), 103-110.Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism
Kerry, N., Al-Shawaf, L., Barbato, M., Batres, C., Blake, K. R., Cha, Y., Chauvin, G. V., Clifton, J. D. W., Fernandez, A. M., Galbarczyk, A., Ghossainy, M. E., Jang, D., Jasienska, G., Karasawa, M., Laustsen, L., Loria, R., Luberti, F., Moran, J., Pavlovic´, Z., Petersen, M. B., Smith, A. R., Zˇezˇelj, I., & Murray, D. R. (2022). Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289 , 20220978. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2022.0978Despite the clear psychological importance of parenthood and the motivation to provide care for children, researchers have only recently begun investigating their influence on social and political attitudes. Because socially conservative values ostensibly prioritize safety, stability, and family values, we hypothesized that being more invested in parental care might make socially conservative policies more appealing.Perceived warmth of offending group moderates the effect of intergroup apologies
Awale, A., Chan, C., Tam, K., & Karasawa, M. (2022). Perceived warmth of offending group moderates the effect of intergroup apologies.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 25, 1372-1394. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368430220961844Using actual and fictional scenarios, we examined whether the apology–forgiveness relationship and the apology–remorse relationship were dependent on the victim group members’ perceived warmth of the offending group.Individual, group, and temporal perspectives on the link between wealth and realistic threat
Celikkol, G., Renvik, T. A., Sortheix, F. M., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Jetten, J., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L, Gollwitzer, M., Gómez, A. González, R., Hong, Y.-y., Jensen D. H., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Lima, M., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., Polya,T., Ruza, A., Shahrazad, W., Shama, S., Smith, H. J.,Torres, A. R., van der Bles, A. M., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2022). Individual, group, and temporal perspectives on the link between wealth and realistic threat. Current Research in Ecological & Social Psychology, 3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cresp.2022.100054In this 28-country study (N = 6112), we assessed how subjective perceptions and objective indicators of wealth were associated with majority group members’ perceptions of realistic threat related to immigration.Materialist and post-materialist concerns and the wish for a strong leader in 27 countries
Lima, M. E. O., de França, D. X., Jetten, J., Pereira, C. R., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Tomasz Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L., Gollwitzer, M., Ángel Gómez, Á, González, R., Hong, Y-y., Jensen, D. H., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Jasinskaja-Lathi, I., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., Polya, T., Renvik, T. A., Ruza, A., Shahrazad, W., Shama, S., Smith, H. J., Torres, A. R., van der Bles, A. M., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2021). Materialist and post-materialist concerns and the wish for a strong leader in 27 countries. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 9(1), 207-220. https://doi.org/10.5964/jspp.6213We explore whether objective higher levels of democracy are differentially associated with materialist and post-materialist concerns and, in turn, whether this is related to the wish for a strong leader.Knowing minds: Culture and perceptions of mental state access
Wice, M., Karasawa, M., Matui, T., & Miller J. G. (2020).
Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 23, 319-327. DOI: 10.1111/ajsp.12404How does culture influence the ways in which individuals reflect upon their knowledge of others’ mental states? We addressed this question in a two-study cross-cultural investigation examining perceptions of mental state access in the U.S. and Japan.Negative desires make failure to help more blameworthy: The role of wrongness and moral character evaluations
Hirozawa, P. Y., & Karasawa, M. (2020). Negative desires make failure to help more blameworthy: The role of wrongness and moral character evaluations.
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Hirozawa, P. Y., Karasawa, M., & Matsuo, A. (2020). Intention matters to make you (im)moral: Positive-negative asymmetry in moral character evaluations.
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Brown, C. M., Goto, N., Tsukamoto, S., & Karasawa, M. (2020). Understanding collective guilt: Tolerance for contradiction and state-trait dissociations in perceived overlap between ingroup members.
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- 2023Kasahara, I., Karasawa, M., & Kashima, Y.
Reading minds with words: Effects of moral word use on attitude inference and communication. The 15th biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Hong Kong, China. July 2023 (Hybrid Convention: In-person).
- 2023Sato, Y., Goto, H., & Karasawa, M.
Explanations for why a transgression is immoral may vary depending on the violated moral foundation. The 15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Hong Kong, China, 7/14 (Oral presentation)
- 2023Kasahara, I., Miura, T. G., & Karasawa, M.
Affective polarization in the Japanese political context: Roles of moral conviction and generalized shared reality. The 24th annual convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA, USA. February 2023 (Hybrid Convention: Virtual).
- 2023Sato, Y. & Karasawa, M.
Being unaware of potential harm invites blame, even in the absence of the act: The role of predictive inference for future behavior. Research Spotlight at the 24th Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, USA (Virtual, 2/10-25)
- 2023Miura, T. G., Kasahara, I., & Karasawa, M.
Moral conviction exacerbates affective polarization even under a multi-party system. The 24th annual convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA, USA. February (Hybrid Convention: In-person).
- 2022松岡 慧人・野崎 優樹・唐沢 穣
右翼権威主義と社会的支配志向性が排斥の実行意図に与える影響-罰を与えうる他者の存在による変化- 日本パーソナリティ心理学会第31回大会 ポスター発表(沖縄県市町村自治会館・12月4日)
- 2022笠原伊織・唐沢穣
説得されやすさに関する自己知覚が陰謀論信念に及ぼす影響:論理的思考への自覚の変化に着目して 日本社会心理学会第63回大会(京都橘大学・9月14日~15日)
- 2022Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M.
Moral conviction strengthens interpersonal selective exposure among Japanese citizens: A mini meta-analysis. The 45th annual meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Athens, Greece. July (Hybrid Convention: Virtual).
- 2022Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M.
Interpersonal selective exposure and the moderating role of moral conviction: Evidence from Japan. The 23rd annual convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, CA, USA. February (Hybrid Convention: Virtual).
- 2022Sato, Y. & Karasawa, M.
Being unaware of potential harm is blamed, even in the absence of the act: Inference of the (in-)actor’s mental state as a basis of moral judgments. A poster presented at the 23rd Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco (CA), USA (Virtual, 2/18).
- 2021柳田 航・村田 光二
中途採用場面における候補者の性別の違いに応じた評価の差 日本心理学会第85回大会 ポスター発表(明星大学・ 9月1~8日・オンライン開催)
- 2021柳田 航・村田 光二
障害者に対する潜在的態度・ステレオタイプ 日本社会心理学会第62回大会 ポスター発表(帝京大学・ 8月26~27日・オンライン開催)
- 2021Kida, C. & Karasawa, M.
Moral motives among Japanese may guide their preferences for the strivers over the naturally talented. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Seoul, Korea (July 31: Virtual Convention).
- 2021Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M.
Selective exposure toward similar opinions among Japanese citizens: Mediational roles of personally experienced cognitive dissonance and interpersonal sense of shared reality. Paper presented at the 14th biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Seoul, Korea (July 31: Virtual Convention).
- 2021Lemaire Portillo, P. & Karasawa, M.
Exploring the Aversive Reactions to Intrusive Culture Mixing in the Context of Acculturation: The Case of Immigration in Japan. Paper presented at the 14th biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Seoul, Korea (July 29: Virtual Convention).
- 2021Kida, C. & Ikegami, T.
When and why people decide to help people with disabilities: Role of distributive justice principles. Poster presented at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic (July 19: Virtual Convention).
- 2021Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M.
Interpersonal selective exposure in Japan: The sense of lacking shared reality and decrease in relational motives make people aversive to an opposing opinion. Blitz presentation at the 44th annual meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (July 13: Virtual Convention).
- 2021Kasahara, I. & Karasawa, M.
Selective exposure among Japanese citizens and its relational basis: Perceived threat to shared reality invites avoidance of an opposing opinion. Poster presented at the 22nd annual meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Austin, TX, USA (February 12: Virtual Convention).
- 2021Kida, C., Park, G., Ishii, K., & Karasawa, M.
Food-Based Identity, Consumer Attitudes, and Moral Judgments. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX, USA (February 11: Virtual Convention).
- 2020笠原伊織・唐沢穣
日本人を対象とした選択的接触の生起過程の検討:認知的不協和と共有現実への脅威の知覚による媒介過程に着目して 日本社会心理学会第61回大会 ポスター発表(学習院大学・11月7日~8日・オンライン開催)
- 2020笠原伊織・唐沢穣
新型コロナウイルス感染者の情報開示に対する態度とその規定因:政治的イデオロギーが及ぼす効果に着目して 日本心理学会第84回大会 ポスター発表(東洋大学・9月8日~11月2日・オンライン開催)
- 2020Kasahara, I., Usami, M., & Karasawa, M.
Stereotype priming effects on language use: Applying morphological analysis on conversational data. Poster presented at the 21st annual meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA, USA (February 27).
- 2020Karasawa, M., Tsukamoto, S., & Ryu, H.
Can patriotism be distinguished from nationalism? Empirical evidence concerning Japanese national identity and its ideological significance. A poster presentation at the 21st Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA, USA (February 29).
- 2019佐藤 洋大・荒井 崇史・阿部 恒之・唐沢 穣
社会的迷惑行為を認知した際の感情状態の調査 日本社会心理学会第60回(立正大学・11月10日)
- 2019木田千裕・池上知子
障がい者に対する支援的態度の規定因ー分配的公正観との関連ー 日本社会心理学会第60回大会 ポスター発表(立正大学・11月10日)
- 2019笠原伊織・宇佐美まゆみ・唐沢穣
女性ステレオタイプのプライミングが言語使用に及ぼす影響:「女性」の生起割合と共起語の差異に着目して 日本社会心理学会第60回大会 ポスター発表(立正大学・11月9日)
- 2019唐沢 穣・浅井暢子
日本的イデオロギーと分断の可能性:調査データ 日本心理学会第83回大会公募シンポジウム「『分断社会』の心理的起源:計算論的手法で読み解く政治的意見の形成・伝搬過程」話題提供者 (立命館大学・9月12日)
- 2019松尾・笹原・田口・唐沢
Moral Foundations Dictionary日本語版の作成 第3回計算社会科学ワークショップ 3月
- 2019, MarchNakamura, H., Matsuo, A., & Majima, Y.
Individual Differences in Anthropomorphism and Attitude Toward Nonhuman Agents in Japanese. International Convention of Psychological Science Conference, Paris, France.(ポスター)
- 2019Kida, C., Yada, N., & Ikegami, T.
Why Are People Reluctant to Help People with Disabilities? A poster presentation at the 20th annual meeting of the Society for the Personality and Social Psychology. Portland, OR, USA (February 7).
- 2019, FebruaryKershner, A., Sansevere, K., Hardy, P., Remache, L., Matsuo, A., & Brown, C.
Consensus in perceived moral violations: A comparison of Japan and the U.S. Eastern Psychological Association conference, New York. (ポスター)
- 2018a唐沢 穣
集団の意図と責任―社会心理学的検証― 応用哲学会第10回年次研究会(ワークショップ「責任と法をめぐる『素朴理解』に関する実証研究とその哲学的含意」話題提供者(名古屋大学・4月8日)
- 2018b唐沢 穣
集団の意図と責任 -実体の認知か擬制か-日本心理学会第82回大会公募シンポジウム「法学と社会心理学の出会い(3)素朴法意識の諸相」話題提供者(仙台国際センター・9月27日)
- 2018松尾・笹原・田口・唐沢
Moral Foundations Dictionary日本語版を用いた道徳違反単語数の日米比較 日本心理学会 第82回大会 9月(ポスター)
- 2018唐沢 穣・塚本早織・柳 学済
日本人の国民・国家意識とそのイデオロギー性:愛国心、ナショナリズム、国際主義の現在 日本社会心理学会第59回大会 口頭発表(追手門学院大学・8月29日)
- 2018木田千裕・矢田尚也・池上知子
身体障がい者に対する支援的態度の阻害要因の検討-社会的支配志向性と優越性脅威の影響- 日本社会心理学会第59回大会 ポスター発表(追手門学院大学・8月28日)
- 2018金内さよ・三浦麻子・唐沢穣
報復や報恩は連鎖するか: 社会的地位関係の変化が報酬分配に及ぼす影響 日本社会心理学会第59回大会 口頭発表(追手門学院大学・ 8月28日)
- 2018Hirozawa, P. Y., & Karasawa, M.
Accepting a request with implied rule violation: A Brazil-Japan comparison on underlying psychological processes. A paper presented at the 24th International Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (July 4).
Karasawa, M. Ethics and new directions in research and applications of psychology. Keynote Address at the joint conference, “Upskilling psychological research capabilities in HCMC’s institutes and universities” co-sponsored by of HUTEC University and Institute for Psychological Research, Training and Application. HUTEC University, Ho Chi Minh City, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. (November 16, 2023).
Karasawa, M. Challenging social dividedness: Potential contributions from Asian perspectives. Presidential Address at the 15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Hong Kong, China (July 15, 2023).
Karasawa, M. Cultural nationalism in Japan: A social psychological study of national ideology in a non-Western country. Invited lecture at Department of Psychology, Gonzaga University, U.S.A. (September 23, 2022).
唐沢穣 陰謀論をめぐる受容と抵抗の心理過程 第6回 ザ・プロフェッショナル・レクチャー(指定討論) 名古屋大学大学院情報学研究科・グローバルメディア研究センター (2020年11月19日)
唐沢穣 心の壁と格差社会 日立財団 多文化共生社会の構築シンポジウム 日立シビックセンター(2020年1月26日)
唐沢穣 日本社会における多文化共生社会実現の壁―心のグローバル化(パネル・ディスカッション) 日立財団 多文化共生社会の構築シンポジウム アキバホール(2019年11月4日)
Karasawa, M. The use of transitive verbs elicits the perception of blame, power, and trait characteristics of the speaker. D. P. S. S., University of Padova, Italy. (March 26, 2019).
唐沢穣 ことばの綾と対人認知の機微 ―エージェンシー、責任、そして非難― ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会 関西学院大学・大阪梅田キャンパス (2018年8月27日)
Karasawa, M. The moral meaning of diligence among Japanese people. D. P. S. S., University of Padova, Italy. (March 21, 2017).
Karasawa, M. Immoral character invites harsher punishment: An analysis of retributive and utilitarian motives. Departmental Seminar at the Department of Psychology, The University of Hong Kong (December 2, 2016).
唐沢穣「組織の責任」を問う心のしくみ ―社会心理学の立場から― 千葉大学博士課程教育リーディングプログラム「免疫システム調節治療学推進リーダー養成プログラム」『高い教養を涵養する特論』 (2016年5月13日)
唐沢穣 集団の認知とコミュニケーション 第12回群馬大学社会心理学セミナー(公開講座) 群馬大学大学会館ミューズホール(2015年11月30日)
Karasawa, M. Roles of causal inferences and language use in blaming others. D. P. S. S., University of Padova, Italy. (January 29, 2015).
Karasawa, M. Making sense of people in cultural ways: The role of psychological essentialism. Institute of Personality and Social Research, University of California at Berkeley. (October 1, 2014)
Karasawa, M. Blameworthy character invites harsher punishment: A social psychological approach to punitive motives against individuals and groups. Keynote speech at the joint meeting of the 4th Asian Conference of Psychology and the 4th Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy. Osaka International Convention Center (March 28, 2014).
Karasawa, M.Judgment of morality and the motivation to punish : Comparing retributive and utilitarian justice. Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia. (August 19, 2013).
唐沢穣 裁判員の判断と社会心理的要因の影響 日本心理学会公開シンポジウム「裁判員制度をめぐる心理学的諸問題―何が課題か,どう対処するか」学習院大学(2013年6月8日); 同志社大学(2013年11月9日)
Karasawa, M. The perception of intentionality and responsibility for a group. Presentation at Michael Morris Lab, Columbia Business School. (March 22, 2012)
Karasawa, M.Punishing immoral and inhuman characters: Potential roles of utilitarian and just desert motive. Presentation at John Jost’s Lab, Department of Psychology, New York University. (March 19, 2012)
Karasawa, M. Immorality and Inhumanness influence punitive motives. Presentation at Susan Fiske’s Lab, Department of Psychology, Princeton University. (March 16, 2012).
Karasawa, M. When people use groups a s a basis for explanations: Salience, entitativity, and essence of groups. Colloquium at the School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia (September 2, 2011).
Karasawa, M. Responsibility for Unintended Acts and the Use of Language: Potential Commonalities and Differences across Cultures. Invited Colloquium at Department of Psychology, East China Normal University (Dec. 8, 2010).
- 2021年11月08日
- 杉谷陽子・外川拓・唐沢穣 準吉田秀雄賞(第19回・吉田秀雄賞)
- 2021年09月10日
- 笠原伊織 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会国際学会発表支援制度
- 2021年03月29日
- Kasahara, I. International Society of Political Psychology Early Career Committee (ECC) Travel Award
- 2020年09月23日
- Kida, C. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Registration Award
- 2020年09月22日
- Kasahara, I. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Registration Award
- 2020年06月26日
- 笠原伊織 日本心理学会国際会議等参加旅費補助
- 2020年06月22日
- 笠原伊織 日本社会心理学会大学院生・若手研究者海外学会発表支援制度
- 2020年03月24日
- 木田千裕 大阪市立大学文学研究科優秀修士論文賞
- 2019年12月24日
- 笠原伊織 日本社会心理学会若手研究者奨励賞
- 2018年03月22日
- 木田千裕 大阪市立大学文学部優秀卒業論文賞
- 2013年11月01日
- 浅井暢子・唐沢穣 日本社会心理学会奨励論文賞